Saturday, September 12, 2009

Changing XO Icon

In our class last week we were been told to make and
XO icon using HTML( Hyper Text Markup Language) kit and
Opera to view the icon.

I chose to maake the Sony PSP icon. We had to first draw
the icon on the graph paper of 55mm by 55mm. First it
looked a bit hard and i suffered for some time, but
later on it became easier and easier. I used Polylines,
Polygon lines, Arcs, circle and many more. I asked some
help from class mates and came up with this Icon below.

After we finished making our icon we were asked to replace
the XO icon with our new icon that we made. I had trouble
some replacing the XO icon with my icon. Couple of time i
forgot to do last step and couple of time my usb was not good
so it was some trouble changing. After that i asked teacher
for help and then my teacher successfully replaced it. Then too
I didnt giveup so now today i successfully replaced my XO icon.

1 comment:

  1. well done, great that you persevered despite problems

    does it change colour? you need to either show me or a screenshot here will do
